Frequently Asked Questions


General questions

1.  What will be an ideal diet for my pet?

In general, there is no specific diet for pets. However, it depends from pet to pet, their eating and drinking habits, how strong their digestion is, or if they have any health issues like kidney disease or skin allergies, etc.

 It is always advisable to consult the vet for finalizing a few diet options.


2.  What kind of exercise should my pet get and for how long?

The amount and time of exercise for pets depend on various factors like the pet’s age, weight, breed, and if they have any existing health issues. There are several components that are considered and consulted with the Vet doctor before deciding on a particular exercise plan.


3. Do pets need dental care/cleaning too?

Indeed!, like humans pets also need good dental care to ensure that their teeth have no plaque build up on them, as it can lead to mouth problems, which further leads to kidney, liver, or heart diseases.

Therefore, it is advisable for pet owners to clean their teeth twice or thrice a week and if possible, on a daily routine. However, pet owners should consider getting dental cleaning done by veterinarians once a month to ensure a complete mouth check-up and health assessment.


4. How can we keep up our pet’s oral care?

There are three key steps to a pet’s good oral health care.

  • Routine brushing: Brushing your pet’s teeth daily is the first step towards a healthy oral regime. It ensures no plaque is built on their teeth as it takes approximately only 48-50 hours for plaque to harden into Tartar.
  • Regular dental check-ups: It is advisable to visit your Vet for your pet’s oral care regularly and if your pet is already facing any oral issues then the frequency of visits should be increased.
  • Giving the right diet: Apart from routine brushing and oral checkups, it is suggested that pet owners should also give their pets a good diet specially prepared for oral purposes. Many Pet food brands offer oral health diets for such purposes.



5. What are some health issues caused due to bad oral health in pets?

There are several health issues that arise as a result of bad oral health:

  • Loss of jawbone density
  • Lethargy
  • Mouth pain
  • Nasal infections
  • Gum infections (Gingivitis)
  • Foul breath
  • Risk of oral cancer
  • Potential Kidney, liver & heart damage
  • Infection in the bloodstream
  • Loss of weight/ poor health


6. What are some signs of oral disease?

Below are some signs of oral disease, that must be confirmed with a vet doctor to ensure a course of treatment if required:

  • Yellow build-up on teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Foul breath
  • Change in eating habits
  • Change in chewing habits
  • Loss of tooth/teeth


7. Can we feed bones to a dog?

No, it is not a good practice to feed bones to a dog, as its pieces can cause an injury to the dog, Moreover, it can result in intestinal blockages which may lead to surgery.

As per the vet’s opinion, it is suggested to give toxin-free, nylon or chew toys to dogs


8. How often should treats be given to dogs?

Treats are only for the sake of providing some snack options to the pet. However, it should be limited to a maximum of one/tenth of your pet’s diet to ensure a balanced meal.


Hyperthyroidism in cats


1. What is hyperthyroidism in cats?

Similar to humans, thyroid hormones are responsible for the regulation of hormones in cats too. When a cat’s body produces thyroid hormone in excess amount, this condition is referred to as ‘hyperthyroidism’.


2. What causes hyperthyroidism in cats?

Hyperthyroidism in cats is caused due to build-up of a tumor, which is usually developed on either or both sides of thyroid glands. The presence of tumor increases the rate of metabolic activities in cats, which results in increased energy requirements in cats.


3. What are some common symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats?

Below are some common symptoms listed in cats with hyperthyroidism:

  • Loss of weight (even with increased diet)
  • Increased frequency of urination and thirst
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Poor coat quality


4. What are the tests performed to confirm hyperthyroidism in cats?

Below are some of the tests performed to confirm hyperthyroidism in cats:

  • Chemistry Tests: For Kidney, liver, sugar levels
  • Electrolyte Tests: For dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
  • Blood Count: for body assessment
  • Urine test: For Tracking UTI and kidney
  • Thyroid test: For testing the production of thyroid hormones


5. Is hyperthyroidism in the cat a serious issue?

Hyperthyroidism is a common hormonal issue in cats. There are various treatment methods to control thyroid levels and reduce Hyperthyroidism.


6. What is the procedure for treating Hyperthyroidism in cats?


There are various methods to treat hyperthyroidism in cats, these are:

  • Topical or oral medication: The medicine is given through mouth, and is usually in the form of a pill, liquid, or topical gel.
  • Diet Therapy: It is a relatively easy option and varies among cats. Therapy is given in form of an exclusive diet, specifically designed for the patient’s cat.
  • Radioactive Therapy (iodine): It is a permanent treatment, that will cure hyperthyroidism from roots. However, older cats and cats with health issues & diseases are not considered an eligible patients for this procedure. This treatment option is the most expensive of all the available options, but as compared to the total cost for dietary therapy or medicines it will cost less than them.
  • Surgical treatment: Surgery is a good option when other treatments are not effective or appropriate for cats with hyperthyroidism. During this procedure, the abnormal thyroid tissue may be removed by a specialist. Anesthesia and hospitalization are prerequisites for this treatment.





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